Roki’s Favorites

Wellness Core Puppy Food


Rokee is currently on Wellness Core’s puppy formula. After reading up on different brands, we found that this one would be a good food for her and our local Petsmart carries it! We were given “Diamond” food from her breeder, but Rokee wouldn’t touch it. It got to a point where we could hear her little stomach growling and she still didn’t want anything to do with it. We went out and purchased a small bag of this food to start, and she loved it. We have since learned that she has a sensitive stomach (since my mother decided to sneak her table scraps..) but she has no issues on this food.




Safari Long Tooth Undercoat Dog Rake

The name “Dog Rake” made me laugh when I read it, but based on the reviews, I knew it 21nm32ukbhlwould be good for Rokee’s dense fur. Huskies are known for their shedding and actually rank in the top 10 of the top shedding dog breeds on I had read about the best brushes and deshedders for huskies and the Furminator kept coming up. After looking it up and finding that it was about $35 out of my budget, I began looking for cheaper, alternate brushes. I found this item for a mere $8 on Amazon with great reviews. For now it cuts down on her shedding and gets the job done. She seems to love it as well. I realize that her shedding is going to only multiply, so if I ever need to invest in a Furminator, I will. For now however, my dog rake does just fine.


TropiClean Pet Shampoo

61fsc610qwl-_sl1500_.jpgI can’t say enough about this stuff. This shampoo is amazing. It has this gorgeous smell that I can’t get enough of and it leaves Rokee’s coat soft, shiny and WHITE. The first time I washed her with this shampoo, she looked completely different! She was no longer black and cream! Its a little on the expensive side, but worth it in my opinion. They also have flea and tick shampoos as well as breath fresheners that I will certainly try. The only thing that would make this stuff better is if it actually calmed her down while bathing. Rokee hates. hates. HATES a bath.

I am open to any trick or tips on how to get a dog to not act like you are killing her slowly during a bath. I’m desperate.